
This is the timetable of the activities of the project from 5th to 12th may 2016


The first day was dedicated to “getting to know each other” and to share the general settings of the project.


Those are the rules agreed by the participants



They share fears, expectations and contributions



And they start to know each others, working in pair,  making portraits and presenting the partner to the whole group:



THE second DAY the participants work in small group, explore the sorround of the venue working in the nature and expressing their feeling and emotion in the group

In the afternoon they exlore their drawing talent and capacity to get inspired by the music


THE third DAY THE PARTICIPANTS visit a school and an art park in the neibhorhood of Napoli

The morning they meet young students – most of them with fewer opportunity – of a disadvantaged area of the city. It is a chance for them to inspire the local young people and to get inspired by an example of how art can be used to improve and change young people life.

3-0 3-1

They explore a streetart project promoted by a local association (Inward) and guided by the young local art guide and resercher Silvia Antimo.

3-5 3-6

3-12 3-11 3-10



The Forth day is time to discover, reflect and debate on what we learn the first days of the project!

A Euro Café take place in the activity room!

And then it’s time to create and animate our ideas!

The afternoon give the chance to explore emotions and feelings through photography. Again working in small group the participants represent the different feelings exploring their art talents!…


THE fifth DAY IS TIME TO DISCOVER Napoli with a city race and enjoy a bit of free time and touring

THE 6th DAY IS TIME TO explore all the talent and create master pieces and original show!

Watch the video of the work in progress and final show of the day!!

THE 7TH DAY  TIME TO get involved 100%

The end of the project is getting very close, and it’s time to explore what we learnt and how to use it! We become one of the 30 colour souls of this youth exchange and we learnt how art can be used in public space or to enhance individuals and collectivities.
Today the participants plan a full set of creative activities to deliver to a group of refugees… it is a day very emotional and fruitful to discover our potential and our inner attitude to work with people with really fewer opportunities using our creative talents!
During the morning splitted in small group the participants create energizer, getting to know & name game, creative activities and closing section that they deliver in the afternoon to the target group! It is amazing and emotional!

THE 8TH DAY  TIME TO evaluate&close

The last day is always a special day. Participants have the time to evaluate the project, to think about their Youthpass Certificate to fill in at home and to say goodbye to the special people and new friend they meet in the project!
This day start really cloudy and rainy so it makes the atmospheare even more sad but we still the chance to enjoy last time together and learn something more!