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COMPONIBILE62 is a non profit cultural association registered at Agenzia delle Entrate in Naples, on the 08/01/2008. The name is driven from Julio Cortazar’s book, which is made up of 62 folders. Each of these folders represents a singular semantic element in interdependent relationship with each other. The book specificity is that whatever position folders take, they always make sense.
In the same way, the association works in constant and fruitful cooperation with all parts and components.

Mission & Vision

COMPONIBILE62 aims to promote, produce and participate in culture and art, communication and events, with special attention on youth and education, with an international and trans-national perspective. Our common view prompts us to work like “antennas” can pick up signals from outside, and build a dynamic partners’ network. Componibile 62 is an association that plans, implements and manages projects to exchange art and culture, deeply believing in the empowerment of people through them.
Management and organizational, artistic, scientific and journalistic skills of members, marketing and communication competences, alongside their “geographical dispersion”, are propulsive forces for the variety, differentiation and realisation of projects.

Asociatia de Tineret ONESTIN

During the time we discovered that in our society a lot of people (especially young people) are discriminated, are not involved in a lot of activities and are not treaten as equals. Seeing that in our NGO there are a lot of attitudes and feelings toward different kind of people (people with different sexual orientations, from different families, with different financial situations and the list can go on), we decided to organise activities that can combate this, so we signed a partnership with a reeducation school close to our city (The Reeducation School from Tg-Ocna). Here, our volunteers go twice a month and make workshops, games and discuss with youngsters from different backgrounds, with different sexual orientations and concepts of life. We find this activity very beneficial as both our volunteers and youngsters from the reeducation school learn something. Our volunteers learn to tolerate  people discriminated by contemporary society, learn new stories from life, learn how lucky they are that they have a family and go to a good school and the youngsters from the reeducation center learn that they can have equal changes when they come back in the society, discover how important is to finish their studies and to continue with the personal and professional development.


CNELL is an educational organisation established in 2013 in Albania offering high quality non-formal education and training to young people as well as adults.
Our mission is to:Become is to become the leading organization in shaping educational trends and providing high quality and innovative learning and development opportunities.

Our focus is to:

  • Make lifelong learning and mobility a reality by implementing lifelong learning strategies, developing qualification frameworks, and promoting the mobility of learners, teachers and trainers across Europe.
  • Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training by enabling all learners to acquire the basic skills  and competences needed for their employability.
  • Promote equality, social cohesion and active citizenship by addressing educational disadvantage through the provision of high quality, supportive and inclusive education.
  • Enhance creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels of education and training by promoting the   development of key competences at all levels of education and to encourage cooperation between all sectors  of education, training and the world of work.
  • Equipping our youth, who are our future leaders and decision makers with the right information, knowledge   and  positive life skills.
  • Encourage both public and private partnerships in transnational cooperation opportunities, as a way to promote local development through sustainable and inter-sectorial growth.



Association of Active Youths of Florina  is a Non profit – Non governmental organization with local and International activity. The aim of our organization is to empower citizens to be active in their local community and to participate in a wide range of activities such a voluntarism and democratic actions. The organization includes the fight against inequality and racism and the promotion  of tolerance in our common European society. The organization has taken part several times in projects that belong in the Youth in Action program and Erasmus+.


Hodina H, o.s.

Mission Hodina H is to get, elaborate and provide information first of all to children and young people, to ensure in this way their right to have information, support permanent and sustainable learning and personal development, full-valued leisur time spending, to develop international cooperation, voluntarism, active participation of children, young people and general public in the public happening, to assist and facilite the citizens´ education. Special emphasis is put on the services for children, young people and young people with fewer opportunities. The seniors – elderly people, parents with children and general public are not missed out.
Main fields of work of Hodina H are Information, Non-formal education, Volunteering, International cooperation and Personal development.
Hodina H was establised in 2002, ahve over 200 members, over 30 volunteers, 3 sisters’ organisation working as its branches.



“POSITIVE 365” is a Mobile training center with a team of experienced professionals who aim at integrating modern and innovative approaches towards social and counseling work by exchanging experience and implementing best practices from other countries, developing direct services for adults and children and constantly helping and improving the capacity of the practitioners in the social area.

We have set ambitious, but well-selected and important goals:

1. Developing innovative social services resulting in social support and rehabilitation of vulnerable groups (children and families who are at risk, youngsters who are leaving the social institutions, gipsy children, children with special needs, etc.)
2. Creating specialists in the social service field in Bulgaria through professional support, supervision and trainings.
3. Encouraging the cooperation between non-governmental organizations and developing modern practices for cooperation between the public sector, the business and the non-profit organizations
4. Developing networks and coalitions to increase the quality of the services we offer and carrying out joined projects.
5. Endorsing the principles of non-discrimination and tolerance in society and promoting the family and moral values.

We do trainings in multicultural environment and work with Roma families and mixed groups, also work in different projects for non-formal and informal education for children, young people and adults. In our focus are the early – leaving school children, teenagers and unemployed young people. Also we are interested in personal and organizational development. We are organizing different groups and trainings in this area – couching of trainers, groups for personal and professional development.